8 Ways to Help a Friend Through a Breakup

TV shows often glamorize our abilities to give relationship advice to our close friends. Pithy rounds of ex-bashing over brunch, one-line quips that put the relationship to rest, and it’s all solved by the time they cut to commercial. Right?

The reality, of course, is less straightforward. In real life, it’s hard to know what to say when you see your friend’s heart break or how to help a friend going through a breakup. This might be the first time that you’ve seen them feel so emotionally low. Even if you never liked their ex anyway, as a friend, it’s essential to be there for them as they heal from a breakup. Or, if they need, to give them some space. How will you know what to do to help them? Here are 8 ways to help a friend through a breakup.

Two adult dark skinned woman embracing each other on the beach

1. Ask what you can do to help, rather than assume you know what they need

Every relationship is different – which means every breakup is, too. While you can absolutely share what was helpful for you during your own previous breakup (redecorating? rebounding?), it’s important not to assume the same will be true for your friend for their breakup.

In short, the most helpful thing you can do right off the bat to help your friend through a breakup is to ask what you can do to help. If you're not sure how, try hitting a balance between practicality and compassion with one of these phrasings:

Sometimes, what’s best might be to leave the offer of support open. That way, even if your friend has no idea what they need in the present to help with their breakup, they know they can approach you when something comes up. You could even come up with a codeword (or emoji – whether it's the heartbreak or the pizza icon), so they can text you when they do need your support.

2. Help them take care of chores and tasks

The emotional weight of a break-up can be all-consuming. In addition to any reminiscing and weighing of “what-ifs,” there’s also often sleepless nights in an empty bed and having to share the news with family members, friends, and coworkers.

In all this uncomfortable transition, a minor detail or two is bound to slip through the cracks. To the degree you're comfortable with, you can step in and go the extra mile for your friend going through a breakup in these ways:

With these tasks taken care of, your friend can channel their energy towards healing after their breakup.

Not sure what your friend needs right now? Not sure how you can support your friend with their breakup? You can always just offer to sit with them on a weekend, and support them through the varying emotions that arise after a breakup.

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3. Be around to help them “reinvent themselves”

It typically takes about three months to recover from a breakup. So, when your friend is ready, encourage them to embrace any positivity and growth they're feeling so they can move on in a healthy way.

In fact, once the clouds have lifted from the heartbreak, remind them they have a great opportunity for a fresh start. Encourage your friend to pursue an impactful self-development path, like:

Remind them that they’re investing in themselves purely for their own sake, which is a great and empowering feeling.

4. Take care of yourself throughout the process

Given all the love you're showering on your friend, make sure to save some for yourself, too! To avoid overextending yourself with breakup caregiving, set some personal limits, like:

As much as you may want to be there for your friend as they go through their breakup, keeping tabs on unhealthy patterns will prevent you from becoming codependent.

5. Don't minimize their emotions with trivializing statements

It’s important when supporting a friend going through a breakup to be aware of the language that you use when talking to them. Some statements that are meant to be comforting can come across as invalidating, and minimize your friend’s emotions.

Avoid trivializing statements like “Good thing you weren’t together too long,” or even joking remarks like “You’re way cuter than them anyway!” These can seem frivolous or careless in light of the tremendous hurt they may be feeling.

Instead, let them share how they're feeling and then validate it. To set a non-judgmental tone, use open questions and exploratory statements, like:

Even if you secretly feel like your friend is over-reacting, remember that everyone experiences the grief of losing a relationship in different ways. All emotional reactions are valid.

6. Make sure not to cut straight to the “silver lining”

As a third party, it might be easy for you to see the potential of the previously mentioned opportunity for growth for your friend after their breakup. But your friend might not be ready to think about the future without their partner.

Emphasizing things like “Now you’re single!” or “You can finally date someone who is better!” not only invalidates your friend’s feelings of hurt but shows that you aren’t listening to them share that they’re in pain in the present.

Your friend will come around eventually after the breakup, even if it takes time. Until they get to that point, it's far more helpful to validate their emotions than to rush them.

Note that if it's been a number of months, and you're concerned about your friend not moving on, you may want to suggest that they see a therapist. Many therapists specialize in supporting clients going through major life transitions, so there’s a very high chance of finding the perfect therapist in your friend’s community.

7. Avoid speaking poorly about their ex

Breakups are a time for processing and for fostering positivity; badmouthing is rarely productive.

Even if you’re furious at your friend’s ex for whatever happened before or during the breakup, or never trusted them in the first place, it's wise to keep your opinions to yourself until things have settled down. Making negative comments will only make your friend feel like they can’t express sentiments about missing or still loving their ex.

8. If they could use professional support, help them find a therapist

While breakups take on average three months to get over, recovery looks different for everyone and can take longer or have other effects on folks depending on their past experiences and the unique situation of their relationship.

If your friend could use professional support after a breakup, consider helping them find a therapist. A therapist provides a neutral and safe space to talk in depth about the breakup without risk of judgment or pressure to ‘fix it.'

Whether your friend is crying on the floor after the breakup or just a bit quieter at breakfast than usual, being intentional about the way you approach their healing process goes a long way. And above all else, remember that your support can be a source of positivity in an otherwise gloomy period of their life.