A 2022 Update on Zencare’s Commitment to Anti-Racism and Inclusive Therapy

Two years ago, we published Zencare’s Commitment to Anti-Racism and Inclusive Therapy. When we published this statement, our intent was to communicate our company values; to clarify what it means for us to work towards diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism; and to hold ourselves accountable to building a more equitable product, service, and team.

As we continue to grow as a company, we are constantly evaluating our initiatives and making ongoing efforts to set and achieve new goals. In 2021, we conducted a review of our initiatives and published a Followup on Zencare’s Commitment to Anti-Racism and Inclusive Therapy. Our goal through this article is to share an update on our current statistics and initiatives, in hopes that it may be helpful to curious client users, therapist members, other companies, and our general community!

1. Definitions: What does Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism mean at Zencare?

To begin the discussion around diversity, inclusion, and antiracism, we first had to define the range of topics, identities, and backgrounds we are referring to when discussing these points.

At Zencare, discussions around diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism encompass the following:

We evaluate how we are being inclusive of and equitable to individuals of these diverse identities across our therapist network, clients, team members, and community at large.

Here are the areas of our business we consider when discussing these topics, and the goals we have for each:

2. Snapshot: Analysis of our provider and therapy seeker network

When we analyzed the data, we found that the racial/ethnic diversity of the Zencare provider network diversity is comparable to the psychology workforce, but much less diverse than the US population:

13% of our provider network identifies as a person of color (POC). This is comparable to the psychology workforce, where 14% of psychologists identify as POC; however, it is much less than the overall US population, in which 38% of individuals belong to racial or ethnic minorities (Black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, Multiple Races).

Our goal through this article is to share an update on our current statistics and initiatives, in hopes that it may be helpful to curious client users, therapist members, other companies, and our general community!

This year, our network of providers of color grew at a rate of 1.7x, slightly higher than the 1.6x rate of our overall network.

As for gender diversity, the Zencare provider network is majority female at nearly 80%; another 20% identify as male, and 1% identify as trans or non-binary (note the total exceeds 100% as providers may select more than one gender identity).

11% of our provider network identifies as LGBTQ, compared to 5% of the US population (though we believe this data to be underrepresented).

Note: Unfortunately, the data we had for comparison purposes were outdated, but we used them to have a benchmark for our analysis. Sources we used include the 2015 APA survey for demographic data about the psychology workforce, the 2019 Census Bureau for the US population demographic data (and the Kaiser Family Foundation’s data visualization), and a 2017 Gallup poll for the LGBTQ national data.

Diversity of the Zencare Clientele

Equally important to the provider demographics are client demographics. Are we serving a diverse clientele base in terms of identity?

It’s difficult to determine a precise response to this question, since we don’t track racial or ethnic data in order to protect client confidentiality. Additionally, third-party data analytics platforms like Google Analytics are limited to demographic data like age and gender (the latter currently in binary terms).

Instead, as a proxy, we turned to the number of referrals through Zencare to therapists of color, since many individuals seek therapists who share similar identities and cultural experiences. In a typical month, though providers of color account for about 13% of all Zencare providers, providers of color receive about 20% of client requests, which speaks to the success of marketing efforts to reach communities of color, as well as the overwhelming need for the services of providers of color. Moreover, we found that in May 2022, we referred 1.3x the number of clients to providers of color as we did in May 2021. This increase is likely due to both the greater number of clinicians of color as well as our search engine optimization efforts at elevating content and search pages related to POC mental health and searches for providers of color.

3. Review: What we currently do and what we achieved in the past year

We hold ourselves to continual reflection of areas of growth, and strive to improve accordingly. In this section, we cumulatively review what we’ve done in the past, what we achieved this year from our 2021 action plan, and what else we’ve done this year. Here are some highlights across our services, product, and team:


What we’ve done in the past:

What we achieved from our 2021 action plan:

What else we’ve done this year:


What we’ve done in the past:

What we achieved from our 2021 action plan:

What else we’ve done this year:

Team — Hiring

What we’ve done in the past:

What we’ve been doing:

Team — Internal

What we’ve done in the past:

What we achieved from our 2021 action plan:

What else we’ve done this year:

4. Moving Forward

As a company, we recognize that our goals and initiatives are not static. We are committed to encouraging and absorbing input from others to inform our vision and action plans. We sent the above data to our internal team and requested for each person’s input as part of our annual DEI review. We’ve synthesized the feedback, ideas, and thoughts from the team to come up with this action plan for 2022. We’ve transformed as many ideas as we could into concrete action items. A few are listed as “reach goals” - even if we may not get those yet, we wanted to list them as inspiration for what other companies can do, and what you’ll see from us moving forward!

5. Our 2022 Action Plan




Reach goals

We are determined to continue moving forward, and to both hold ourselves accountable and keep a pulse on the mental health industry so that we may identify areas where we can fulfill unmet needs. We hope the steps we take now have a positive effect on our team, provider members, and therapy seekers we have the honor to serve each day.